Frequently Asked Questions

Transformation Coaching

As a Transformation Coach, how are you different than a therapist or counselor?

As a Transformation Coach, I focus on the future and helping you build a life you are excited to wake up to every day. Therapists and counselors are licensed medical professionals who diagnose and treat mental health conditions and primarily focus on the past and present. We highly suggest that clients utilize our services in conjunction with professional therapy or counseling. Our services do not take the place of professional services, including but not limited to medical, legal, financial, business, or psychological services.

Reiki Healing

What Is Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique where the healer channels universal energy to the client, activating their physical and energetic body’s natural ability to heal. Reiki helps restore well-being by aligning the chakras, removing emotional blocks, and enabling the physical and energetic bodies to heal and harmonize with one another. In her healing practice, Julie utilizes several modalities, including Usui, Kundalini, Dragon, and Quantum Reiki.

What happens during a Reiki session?

You lie down facing up, on a typical massage (Reiki) table, with your arms at your sides for the treatment. During treatment, most clients prefer to lie quietly with their eyes closed. Julie begins by asking if you have any areas of concern or things you would like to focus on during the session. She may ask a few additional questions, place crystals on your body, and ensure you are comfortable before beginning the treatment. Julie practices Reiki by hovering her hands a few inches above your body at critical areas to assist in healing and balancing your chakras. Special attention may be paid to areas of known illness or injuries, and she may lightly touch your hands, feet, or forehead during the healing. 

What does Reiki feel like?

You can expect to feel warmth, tingling, a magnetic movement, or nothing at all. You may notice a slight breeze as she wipes away energy, a lightness as she removes crystals, and soft touches to aid in grounding or healing. Many clients share that it takes a few sessions to feel the flow of Reiki, but each treatment is effective whether you feel it or not.

What should I wear for a Reiki Session?

Comfortable, non-restrictive clothing is ideal for optimal relaxation. You will be asked to remove your shoes, glasses, heavy jewelry, or anything that would restrict you from lying down comfortably for your session.

Guided Quantum Energetic Alignment

What is Guided Quantum Energetic Alignment?

A Reiki treatment coupled with an intuitively guided meditation where you become an active participant in the session. Julie guides you through the process of separating your energetic consciousness from your physical body with a personalized meditation. Usui, Kundalini, and Dragon Reiki healing flows to the earthly body as your energetic body journeys through the quantum realm for healing, cleansing, and recalibration. The healing is concluded after your physical and energetic forms reintegrate harmoniously and you awake feeling deeply rejuvenated and aligned. My sessions are designed to help people access a higher state of consciousness to enhance the body's ability to heal itself.

What is Quantum Healing?

Deepak Chopra, in his book Quantum Healing (Revised and Updated), defines Quantum Healing as “the ability of one mode of consciousness (the mind) to spontaneously correct the mistakes in another mode of consciousness (the body).” In our sessions, Quantum Healing is achieved through visualizing your energetic healing during guided meditation.

Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records?

The term Akashic comes from the Sanskrit word “Akasha,” meaning “ether”, “sky” or “atmosphere.” The Divine Archive of all things, past, present, and future, the Akashic Records contain information about all people, places, things, and events. Your personal Akashic records contain information about your soul’s journey starting at the exact moment your energy came into existence. This sacred repository is thought to be accessible to everyone but is readily accessed by trained individuals such as spiritual practitioners.

Why is healing in the Akashic Records Helpful?

Many of us carry cellular energy from past lives that can directly impact our current life. Record readings help many clients confront and release the root of fears, phobias, patterns of thought, night terrors, and other obstructions. It is through past life exploration and healing that you can release or shift these patterns to enable healing in in your daily life.

Light Language Vibration Therapy

What is Light Language Vibration Therapy?

Light Language Vibration Therapy is a healing modality that utilizes the power of sound and vibration to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The therapy involves the use of various types of light language, which are believed to be a form of ancient, universal language that can be used to communicate with the higher self, spirit guides, and the universe. I use a combination of vocal toning, chanting, and other forms of sound to create specific frequencies and vibrations that align with the client's energy field. The vibrations and frequencies used can help balance the body's energy centers, which can promote healing and reduce pain. It can assist in releasing stuck emotions and negative patterns, allowing clients to let go of past traumas and experience emotional freedom.

Crystal Healing

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing involves the use of crystals and gemstones to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. During a Reiki session, I will place specific crystals on or around the body and hold them while flowing Reiki, in order to channel the healing properties of the crystals. Each crystal is believed to have unique properties and vibrations that can be harnessed to balance and align the body's energy enters. Crystals have a variety of healing properties and each one has its own frequency of healing. Some ways it can be useful are to help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, release negative emotions, and promote feelings of peace, calm, and well-being. I use a variety of crystals in my healing services that assist me in amplifying, aiding, and elevating each client’s healing.

Intuitive Guidance

What is Intuitive Guidance?

Intuitive guidance refers to the ability to access information and insight through means other than the five senses. It is often associated with extrasensory perception (ESP) and is sometimes referred to as a "sixth sense." Intuitive guidance can come in many forms, such as a gut feeling, a hunch, or a sense of knowing, and is unique to each individual psychic, medium, or intuitive. My intuitive guidance was cultivated through spiritual practices like meditation and energy work. It is always evolving, growing, and becoming more colorful as I continue to explore new modalities and training opportunities. I work with energies, guides, angels, and loved ones to share their wisdom with my clients. My specific intuitive skills allow me to receive information directly, from a variety of sources, without the need to hear, see, smell, touch or taste. It is an inner voice or a feeling that comes from within and can be in the form of pictures, visualizations, or direct receipt (immediate knowing of information).